So here are some great photo comparisons to show just how much Robert is his Papa's son.....
Andy at ~15 months (plaid on of course, he started at an early age)
Andy at 28 years old (still in plaid) and Robert following suit at ~10 months. This was a camping trip to the Little Lost June 2009.
When they aren't in plaid, they wear camo. Robert's ~13 months old here. This is a hunting trip in September of 2009.
If they don't wear plaid and we're not on a hunting trip (camo), then they at least sport the colors of camo. Afterall, green is the primary outdoors' color and if you can't blend in with a tree you might as well dress the approporiate color, just in case. This is our annual Yellowstone trip October 2009. Robert is ~14 months old.
Andrew at ~18 months old sporting the sunglasses.
Andy with his Top Gun sunglasses and Robert following along with Uncle Brent's Mission Impossible sunglasses.
They both even LOVE cleaning up. Well, maybe they don't love it, but everything has a place and should be there when not in use. Robert will already sing the clean-up song to me, without any prompting, when he sees a mess or before it's time to leave the house or time for bed. Everything must be put away, it's so cute. When we're eating dinner his cup has to sit in the little circle cutout on his tray--just like his Papa!
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